Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St.Thomas Basketball Tournament, February 21, 2009

Basketball Team at St.Thomas Tournament, February 21, 2009
Standing, left to right: Jerry O’Brien, coach; Devin Clarke, coach; Steve Johnson; David Ford; Jannette Popp; Richard Sitzes; Eveleena McGregor; Catherine Nguen; Michelle McMillan; Steve Craig; Ron Turner; Rahim Jamani, Shane Northey and Jim Hamilton, coach.
Front row, left to right: Gordie Michie; Lindsay Luscombe; Travis Morley; Shauna Scott and Jason Spriggs.

Gordie Michie taks a rebound.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stratford Softball Tournament, August 24, 2008

Returning home on the bus.

Left row, front to back: Jannette Popp; Stephen Plaunt; Ted Suckley; Matt Morrow; Rahim Jamani; Debbie Feairs and Michael Hutchingame. Right row, front to back: Mary Margaret MacGillivary; Eveleena McGregor; David Ford; Steve Craig; Tina Fritsch, Lindsay Luscombe; Laurie Luscombe; Karen Whitcroft and Daniel Armstrong.

Codey Bennet rounding first base while coach Kym Ryckman urges him on.

Tina Fritsch reaches first base.

Charlene Whitcroft playing catcher.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Special Olympics Ontario Spring Games in Durham Region, June 2008

Spring Games photos contributed by Corey Cummings.

The lighting of the Olympic flame, during opening ceremonies, at the Special Olympics Ontario Spring Games held in Durham Region.

Special Olympics Founder at Spring Games
Louise Berry with Frank Hayden, of London, Ontario, founder of the Special Olympics organization, at the Special Olympics Spring Games held in Durham Region, May 29 to June 1, 2008.

Athletes representing St.Thomas, in swimming and Bowling, at the Special Olympics Ontario Spring Games in Durham Region.
Back row left to right: Mike Hutchingame; Mary Lou Medlyn, coach; Richard Sitzes.
Front row left to right: Corey Cummings; Louis Berry; Brian Vankoughnet; Jannette Popp and Rahim Jamani.

The St.Thomas bowling team Shown at NEB's Funworld (north End Bowl).
Left to right: Richard Sitzes; Brian Vankoughnet; Mike Hutchingame, Christine Doctor, coach. Front: Corey Cummings; Mary Lou Medlyn, coach.
Left to right: Richard Sitzes; Brian Vankoughnet; Mike Hutchingame; ???? ????. Front: Corey Cummings and Mary Lou Medlyn, coach.

Corey Cummings and friend displaying their medals.

Mike Hutchingame and Corey Cumming on the winners rostrum

Louis Berry on the winner's rostrum.

Bowling coach Mary Lou Medlyn.

Soccer Team at Soccer Tournament in Kitchener, July 9, 2008

Soccer team, left to right: Richard Sitzes; Tina Morrow, Matt Morrow; Shauna Scott; Daniel Armstrong; Rahim Jamani; Corey Cummings; David Rowe; Jannette Popp; Meridith Munn, coach. Front: Kerry VanHollen.

Matt Morrow attempting to dribble past a defence-man.

Richard Sitzes in a challenge for the ball, with opposing player, while Rahim Jamani is ready to back him up.

Soccer Team Practice, July 2008

Soccer team at St. Joseph's High School, July 14, 2004. Back row, let to right: Meridith Munn, coach; Rahim Jamani; Steve Craig; David Ford; Richard Sitzes; Matt Morrow; Michelle McMillan. Front row, left to right: Jannette Popp; Kerry Van Hollen; Charlene Whitcroft; Tina Morrow; Eveleena McGregor; Shauna Scott and Corey Cummings.

St.Thomas Softball Tournament, July 19, 2008

St.Thomas Special Olympics volunteer, Noreen Lanning, pipes in the athletes before the start of play.

The St.Thomas softball team parades in for the opening ceremonies.

Volunteers for the tournament.

Spectators enjoying the action.

Karen Whitcroft and Stephen Plaunt pack-up, in the rain, following the tournament.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Soccer Team at Woodstock, August 16, 2008

Soccer team at Woodstock, September 2008: Back row David Rowe; Rahim Jamani; Matt Morrow; Steve Craig; Jannette Popp; David Portlock, coach; Meridith Munn, coach. Middle row Corey Cummings; Michelle McMillan; Shauna Scott; Tina Morrow. Front row Kerry VanHollen; Charlene Whitcroft.

Coach David Portlock and Shauna Scott talk with opposing team members during a break in play.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Soccer at London, September 7, 2008

Steve Craig challenges the striker at a soccer tournament in London, Ontario, September 7, 2008.

The soccer team at London on September 7, 2008

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